
The Latest Bicycling News and Announcments

...And Our Iceman Raffle Winners Are...


The 2019 Bell’s Iceman Cometh Challenge has been sold out for months and the transfer list is a quarter mile long. For yet another season, is back with three lucky winners of FREE entries! 

This November 2 is a really big deal. 2019 celebrates the 30th edition of the Iceman Cometh Challenge. Over the past three decades, this little race in bad weather has grown from a few dozen riders braving snow, cold, and the unknown to race from Kalkaska to Traverse City. Today, the event sees nearly five thousand riders from around the world converge on northern Michigan for the biggest party of the season! It’s more than a race; it’s a pilgrimage, and for so many of us, it’s something we refuse to miss. 

It means so much to us that we want to share this experience with everyone. We’ve got three spots to this sold-out race, and we’re proud to invite them to attend the event this year on us. Congratulations, winners! 

Eric Kelsey
Emily Mielski
Craig VanEss

We’ll be in touch with you soon to help you take care of registration. We want to thank the 70+ folks who shared their Iceman experiences with us and entered the competition; we hope to see you at Timber Ridge this year! 

Watch for banners and a special interview on race day. You’ve got less than a month to get ready; the best of luck for a productive, fun, and safe few weeks of training, everyone!